Monday 23 February 2015

Visual codes and language 5.5.15

Learning objectives:
To study the visual codes, layout and design and language of magazines.
To create bullet points for findings in orange books.

Key terms:
Use of colour,  Camera angles, Design techniques, placement of images, Mode of address,  Persuasive techniques.

The first question on the exam will ask you to study a print based text and comment on

  • Visual codes
  • Layout and design
  • Language
You need to consider:
Use of colour, e.g. the effect of black and white photography, connotations
Costume, physical appearance
Body language
Facial expression
Camera angles, shot types, composition (rule of thirds for example).

Typography. Font style, size, colour connotations for audience.
Use of graphics
Design techniques, cover lines, masthead, tag lines.
Cropping, editing, image manipulation.
Composition, placement of images.

Connotations of titles
Cover lines
sell lines
Mode of address. Use of imperatives, rhetorical questions, quotations.
Persuasive techniques. Alliteration, hyperbole, superlatives, puns, elipses.
Use of slogans

Task 1: 
Work in pairs or threes and list using bullet points as you analyse the magazine below.

Task 2:
Homework to be submitted Friday.
Analyse the text below using the criteria above.

Marking criteria:

      Year 12 written tasks success criteria:
      Knowledge of the concept of audience/representation/narrative
     Awareness of relevant theories/debates/views
     Uses examples to draw on relevant issues
     Use of media terminology/key words
     Quality of written communication

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