Monday 23 February 2015

Audience Theory - Two Step Flow

Learning Objective:

Key terms: Opinion leaders
These are people in society who may affect the way in which an audience interprets the media. For example politicians, teachers, celebrities and parents

Two Step Flow theory 
The idea that ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders, and from them to a wider population.
This theory reinforces the idea that audiences are sophisticated in their responses, they are individuals, active not passive.

An audience may not have witnessed an actual event themselves, hence the two step flow  but may be influenced by the opinion leader. 
For example the reviews in a newspaper by recognised film critics and similar quoptes on film posters will influence an audience who have yet to see the film in question. This is particularly true if they trust and value the opinions of those commenting on the text.
Politicians commenting on a newspaper story may influence an audience who have not actually read the article themselves.

Task 1:
Write a paragraph which includes the following words about the newspaper front page below.

Opinion leader, editor, mediation, selection, omission, construction, moral panic.

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