Monday 23 February 2015

Rep of issues in the media today

Learning objectives: To consider the representation of the issues of body image and youth delinquency.

Key words: 
Tokenism: This is where a media text includes a few members of a minority group, for example some plus size models in a glamour magazine. This appears to redress the balance but in fact, as the group is in the minority they have no real power within the text and their difference from the norm is also highlighted. Tokenism also tends to present a stereotypical view of that group so that audiences can recognise them easily.
minor crime, especially that committed by young people.


The issue of body image.

As well as representing groups in society, the media also construct representations of issues and may be partly considered to be the cause of the issue itself. This may be the case with the issue of body image in the media. We have become a society obsessed with how we look and what constitutes beauty. The definition of what it is to be beautiful has narrowed and focusses almost solely in the media on being white, thin and perfectly formed. This issue also links to the way in which women in general are represented. The issue of body image in the media is represented across a range of media texts including:

Unrealistic images of perfection for both men and women in magazines.

Gossip magazines where imperfections in the bodies of celebrities are highlighted for discussion and ridicule.

Documentaries raising awareness of the issue.

Newspaper images of catwalk models that are size zero.

Images that challenge this representation but that tend to be tokenistic.

Advertisements for products that aim to make the user more beautiful, less wrinkled and flawless. However, these images are unrealistic and have probably been digitally enhanced.
MP Jo Swinson succeeded in getting two beauty adverts banned for including images that were over airbrushed and significantly digitally manipulated. The advertisements for Lancome and Maybeline included Julia Roberts and Christy Turlington were deemed unacceptable by the ASA as they did not offer a realistic representation of what the product could achieve when used.

Many ads now, often in small print, must declare if the image has been enhanced with implants or hair extensions and post production.

Task 1: 
Consider how the magazine above has represented the issue of body image. Use Men's Health magazine as another example to help you with your answer.
200 words


Task 2: 
How has the issue of youth delinquency been represented in the texts below?
200 words


Further reading:

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