Monday 23 February 2015

Technical codes - Moving Image

Learning Objectives:
To analyse technical codes used in the trailer for the film American Sniper and identify the purpose and effect.

Key words: Codes, Purpose, Effect, Camera shots, Camera angles, Editing, Camera movement, Lighting.

In preparation for question 1 of the MS1 paper, it is important that you can confidently discuss technical codes of a range of texts.
It is also very important that you discuss and analyse the purpose and effect of the particular technique employed by the text.

Key terms

Production values: These are the features of a media text that show how much it has cost to make. A high budget programme or film is recognisable by its settings, use of stars, more complex editing and soundtrack for example.

Codes: Codes are signs within a media text that give clues to the text's meaning

Purpose: This is the reason why the technique has been used within a media text. It may involve the audience to create tension or develop narrative.

Effect: This is the effect the technical code will have on the audience. It may make them feel uncomfortable (an extreme close up), or intrigue them and therefore encourage them to continue watching.

Camera shots

There are a range of shots that are used to create specific techniques:

Close up
Is used to create emotion and tension.
The close up on the character's face makes the audience feel involved with the character's feelings.
It makes the audience feel involved as they can clearly see how the character is feeling.

Extreme close ups 
For example a hand on a door handle or eyes, where information is withheld from the audience creates suspense. It is also used to highlight certain things particularly in advertising.

Mid shots
These are a way of showing a character's facial expression to a certain extent, body language, gestures and costume. In addition to this there is an indication of the setting

Long shots
Are used where more information about the character or the situation are required. Here the audience may be shown part of the surroundings to enhance understanding.

Establishing shots
These are a rapid way of advancing the narrative by showing the audience where the action is about to take place. The audience will then have expectations, this enhances the pleasure.
For example, the establishing shots of Miami, frequently used in CSI: Miami suggest the high production values of the programme and give clues to the narrative that will follow according to whether the shot is of a glamorous pool side or a seedier urban location.

Task 1:
Watch the clip embedded below and identify shot types discussed above.
Indicate their purpose and effect. Orange books. 200 words.

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