Monday 23 February 2015

Rep of Events in the media today

Learning objectives: To prepare for an exam response on the representation of events through the study of the London riots and the Sainsburies Christmas TV ad.

There is a possibility that you will be asked a question on the representation of events.

You must have detailed knowledge of how TWO events have been represented in TWO different ways by the media. The question will be worded 'in the media today' so we should be discussing contemporary events. 

For each of the case study texts you must do the following:

1.  Identify exactly what representation has been constructed.

2.  Identify HOW that representation has been constructed using textual examples 
(behaviour, dialogue, sound, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing).

You must also consider the following:

The ideology of the text in which the event features. Make it clear what the text you are using thinks about the event. Is there any evidence of opinion or bias in the representation?

How the event has been presented, referring to , for example, language and mode of address, anchorage, technical, visual codes, audio codes, use of images.

The construction of the representation. The elements that go to make up the final textwill have been constructed in a way that real life is not. When we witness an event in real life we would not see it from all these different camera angles or in slow motion. This is often the way we view an event as it is presented to us in the media.
It is a selected construction and has been edited often to show us a particular viewpoint.

The process of selection. For whatever ends up on the screen or in print, a lot more will have been left out. Decisions have been made about what to include and what to omit. Editors, photographers, journalists etc.

Mediation has occured.

The focus of the representation. The way in which a media text is mediated encourages the audience to focus upon a particular aspect of the text to push us towards making assumptions and to draw conclusions. For example, our eyes are drawn to the headlines and cover lines in a newspaper and magazine.

The role of opinion leaders in influencing the audience about the event.

The audience who will consume the text and their response to the representations encoded within it.

Rep of Events: London Riots

Task 1: 
How might opinion leaders affect the way in which an audience might respond to an event as represented in a media text?

200 words. Orange books.

Research the events (Lonodon riots 2011) and write how they were represented in the media.
Consider how the issues of racism and youth were dealt with through,
mode of address  (at the bottom of the post)
creation of moral panic

Use different types of newspapers to illustrate and links to online articles about the events.

Task 2:
How has Christmas been represented as an event in the ad below?


Further reading

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