Monday 8 September 2014

17 MS2 Coursework Production (assessment HT3)

MS2 Coursework Production

Learning objective:

To continue with Coursework development for MS2 using examples from the genre.
Produce a Powerpoint presentation for assessment.

In preparation for your pre production and production coursework you should
1: Complete the spider diagrams
2: Create a Power Point Presentation which describes your intentions more clearly and uses examples of work that is in the same genre and either conforms to or challenges the codes and conventions for that genre.

Areas that must considered:
  • Iconography 
  • Mise en scene
  • Visual codes of costume, facial expression, colour, body language, graphics
  • Narrative structure
  • Technical codes of lighting, framing
  • Language used
  • Mode of address
  • Representational issues
  • Audience positioning
Use annotated images to show the work that you have explored in preparation

Print the power point presentations out two to a page and submit with your spider diagrams period six today.

Year 12 written tasks success criteria:
Knowledge of the concept of audience/representation/narrative
Awareness of relevant theories/debates/views
Uses examples to draw on relevant issues
Use of media terminology/key words
Quality of written communication

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