Monday 8 September 2014

18 MS2 Coursework-Rough drafts

Learning objective: 
To rough out and annotate pre-production and production coursework with consideration given to the target audience.

Key words: Audience, visual codes, technical codes, mode of address, intertextuality.

You will be encouraged to consider the strengths, weaknesses and viability of your pre-productions before moving ahead with your pre-production work.

It is time to consider roughing out your pre production work.
You must know who your target audience is and how you are going to appeal to them through the use of generic codes and conventions.

Task 1: 
Rough out and annotate your ideas for pre-production coursework using the spider diagrams you have created to maintain focus on audience positioning.
Below is an example of a rough for a piece that scored highly.
You need to create something similar but this is not an art exam.

Task 2:
You will create a time management chart for the pre-production and production aspects of your coursework.

Work required for 30.1.15:

  • By close of business today you should have the following inside your folder:
  • Spider diagram of ideas for coursework.
  • Power point presentation showing examples of productions from within the genre you are dealing with.
  • Rough out on paper of your pre production plan. Annotated with comments on visual codes, narrative and any representation issues.
If these are complete you should create a time management chart which should include:

Dates set by you for completion of tasks.
  • Other people involved; actors, models, camera operators
  • Props required; costumes, hats, swords.
  • Make up, special effects.
  • Equipment required; SLR cameras, video cameras, memory cards, batteries, tripods, lights.
  • Software to use and time allocated for image manipulation.

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