Monday 8 September 2014

15 Approach to MS2 Coursework Planning -Spider diagram

You will be introduced to the criteria for MS2 and the abilities you will be required to demonstrate.
You will deconstruct and discuss examples of previously submitted work

  • Key words: research produce evaluate
Today you should MS2 Research exemplar work for your coursework and submit a proposal for discussion.
I will work 1 to 1 until we get things finalised.

Task 1: 
Create a detailed, hand drawn, spider diagram of what your ideas for MS2 are.
You should include ideas for Pre production, production and report.
In addition, consider how you will incorporate these aspects:

  • Visual codes: Colour use. Iconography. 
  • Mode of address, is it appropriate for the target audience?
  • Language: Hyperbole, direct quotation, subject specific lexis, direct quotations.
  • Technical ability: Photography skills, camera shots and angles, composition, rule of thirds for example. Lighting suitability.
  • Layout and design: Font style. Masthead, cover lines.
  • Conventions: Bar codes, social media links, price.

Here is an example of a spidergram. This is what yours should look like.
Orange books.

Complete this task as homework and submit on Tuesday period 5.

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