Tuesday 28 April 2015

Representation summary for MS1

Learning objective: To familiarise with the texts to write about representation in the MS1 exam.

Key terms: Rich texts.

As you revise the concept of representation you should be able to deal with the following using correct media terminology:

  • The role of selection, construction and anchorage in creating representations.
  • How media texts use representations and the effect those representations have on the audiences.
  • The points of view, messages and values underlying those representations.

Representation may be the topic for either question 2C or 3.
Look for the word allocation, Question 3 is worth more marks and therefore you must write more.

You must ensure that you are prepared and have examples of the following areas of representation:

  • Gender
  • Ethnicity
  • Age
  • Issues
  • Events
  • Regional and national identities.

We will study examples of rich texts so that one text can be used for more than one area of representation and may also be used for the audience question.

When answering a question on gender, age, ethnicity or regional/national identities you will be expected to support your discussion with three examples of different media texts.
If three similar texts are chosen, for example three magazines then you will end up saying the same thing three times.

These examples must be as specific as possible. For example, do not just refer to women in magazines, but comment on a particular front cover. If you are using moving image example then select a specific scene that will support what you want to say about representation. This will help you to avoid producing a general response.

The question is going to ask you about representation in the media today.therefore the examples studied must be contemporary. You can refer to an older example to illustrate a point.

Structure your response in a logical and coherent manner. Try to start with an introductory paragraph which demonstratyes your understanding of the concept of representation.

As part of your revision, plan which examples of media texts you have studied in class will best answer the different areas of representation.

Read the question carefully and answer it. Remember to refer back to the question where you can in response. Even rewrite it in the main body of your answer. Don't answer the question you wish you had been asked, you will be penalised.

Make sure that your examples are relevant to the question.

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