Monday 8 September 2014

17 MS2 Coursework Colour

Learning Objective: To apply colour theory to texts

Key words: Connotations, symbolism

Color surrounds us everyday of our lives.
Each color conveys a feeling.
The psychology of color evaluates what each color portrays.


It's suggested that the color red creates the feeling of excitement, strength, sex, passion, speed, and danger.


While green gives more of a relaxing feeling.  Green is also suggestive of nature and freshness. The colour of new beginnings.
Symbolizes nature, calming, refreshing, growth, harmony, fertility, safety, healing, and freedom. 
Green is easy on the eyes and non-invasive. 
Darker hues of green tend to be more masculine and conservative. Dark greens are often linked to the financial world (wall street, wealth, money). Lighter hues of green (aqua, olive) are good for healing or peaceful purposes.



Blue suggests trust, security, reliability, belonging, and coolness.
The police are known as the boys in blue.
Holds mostly positive connotations: peaceful, calming, tranquility, loyalty, nature (sky, ocean), depth, stability, trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, spiritual, productivity, cleansing, and health. On the flip side, blue can also be representative of cold and depression.
Blue is considered a masculine color, and is more commonly preferred by men over women. It’s a good color to wear to job interviews and a wise choice for promoting high tech products, as it suggests precision and strength. Tests have shown that people in blue colored rooms tend to be more productive. Weight lifters have also been shown to be able to lift greater amounts of weight in blue colored gyms.
It’s advised to not use blue in association with anything food or cooking related, as it suppresses the appetite. Blue, when combined with warm colors like yellow or red, can create high impact and vibrant designs. Blue is often considered to be the safest global color.
Darker blues tend to more represent depth, expertise, stability, power, seriousness, and integrity. Dark blue is commonly used in the corporate world. 
Lighter hues of blue are often used for anything relating to healing, tranquility, Freshness and softness.


Violet is the color of dignity, spirituality, wealth, royalty, and magic.

Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. 
Terms associated with purple include: royalty, ambition, wealth, sophistication, femininity, creativity, mystery, nobility, magic, independence, and romance. Because purple appears little in nature, it can often appear artificial. Because of this; it’s advisable to not use purple in designs trying to portray a sense of “natural”.
According to surveys, about 75% of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colors. 
Lighter colored purples tend to evoke romantic and nostalgic feelings while darker purples more commonly convey gloom, sad feelings, and frustration.


Black can suggest hate in some cases, but on the other hand it can suggest sophistication, elegance, seductiveness, and mystery.
Black is used commonly to advertise luxury cars.  This has to deal with the fact that black symbolizes authority, sophistication and power.  So someone who wants to feel in control of their car and important would probably lean towards a black car.
It is a formal colour, worn to black tie dinners.

 The black leather jacket is a symbol of rebellion.


The opposite of black is white which is considered pure, virginal, clean, and youthful.
The feeling can also coincide with light and hope.

Innocence, purity, goodness, cleanliness, perfection, safety, positive, faith, cleanliness, cold, virginity, safety. A wise color choice for use with charitable organizations, hospitals, and anything trying to show safety or purity. A neutral colour.


Yellow, a color that obviously suggests the sunshine and the warmth the sun provides.  It's also a very happy color that conveys hope.
The exciting colour of health and happiness.


Another bright color is orange which is a very playful, warm and vibrant color.  
It is a dynamic cross between red and yellow, the colour of movement.
Estate agents use orange as ado parcel delivery companies.
Also a healthy colour like... er oranges!


All these colors and more are used in marketing and media because of all the different feelings they are able to convey. 

Task 1:  List colour symbolism in your books.

Colour symbolism summary

Red – importance – passion – love - danger

 Orange – health – movement -dynamism

 Yellow – warmth – permanence - jealousy

 Green – freshness – beginning- youth– newness - envy

 Blue – cool – sad - authority-trust

 Purple – wealth - luxury - power

 Black – evil – formality - mourning - simplicity - sophistication

 White – innocence – purity – formality - sophistication

 Neutral – urban - sophistication

Task 2:
Webdramas are short films that have to use cliches and many devices such as colour symbolism to attract a loyal audience.

Watch this episode of the webdrama Anyone but Me and note down the connotations of the colours that are used in the mise en scene.

Task 3:
Create a series of mood boards using Adobe Photoshop to show how colours have connotations.
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Purple
  • Orange
Below is an example of a mood board.

Flatten each image and save as a jpg which will be included in a Power Point presentation.
E-mail this to Mr Ealey when complete.


Restaurants, car dealerships, clothing stores, commercials, television programs, etc. use color to convey a feeling to address to their audience.

Fast food restaurants are famous for using their bright colors to bring in the customers and get rid of them fast. That's why it's called fast food. There are also restaurants that use colors that are more welcoming that make you want to sit down and relax with friends and family. 
 These are generally the more expensive restaurants. 

Although color is crucial when it comes to marketing.  There are still things you must look out for.  One in particular is your audience.  Colors have different meanings in other cultures.  
For example, in the U.S white is a color of purity.  This is why brides usually wearwhite, because it's a virginal symbol.  Now on the other hand white is the color of death in China.  
Now in the U.S black is known for symbolizing death.  This is why almost everyone wears black to a funeral.  
 The color purple symbolizes death in Brazil.  Where as in the U.S it's more a color of dignity, royalty and spirituality.
Yellow symbolizes warmth and sunshine in the U.S.  Yet, in France it symbolizes jealousy and in Greece it symbolizes sadness.
In the U.S we associate green with the color of jealousy because it's the color of money.  
Since there are all of these variations of meanings behind colors you must use the right method to target your audience.  Also you can't always generalize what colors mean to people. This is because sometimes people look at color differently.  It can symbolize different things because of someone's experience with it.
All in all color is crucial when it comes to marketing. You must target your specific audience and decide what color means to them.

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