Monday 1 June 2015

1 Approaching WJEC Media Studies A2 - Reading week

Learning objective:
To familiarise with the A2 written examination and to suggest possible texts for study next term.
2015 A2 Media Studies

What will you be required to do in the examination?

Students will be required to answer three questions: 
One question (from a choice of two) from Section A 
Two questions (from a choice of four) from Section B. 

You will be required to select a different industry for each answer and to make reference in the answer to three key texts.

Section A will be based on the areas of genre, narrative and representation. 

Section B will be based on industry and audience.



This unit contributes to synoptic (combine elements of learning from different parts of the course) assessment. 
It is designed to develop candidates' understanding of the connections between different elements of the specification and to develop their knowledge and understanding of the relationship between media texts, their audiences and the industries which produce and distribute them.

Progression from AS is demonstrated through this emphasis on the relationship between text, audience and industry and the debates surrounding the nature of that relationship. 
Candidates' understanding of the media will also be more informed by appropriate theoretical perspectives.


Centres will be required to select three different media industries from the list below to study with their candidates.
  • Television - Satellite, public service, independent broadcasting. Research; remits, audience profiles and content for specific channels. 
  • Radio 
  • Film 
  • Music - An artist or band, not three tracks. The way they are represented and use different media texts; video, CD cover,Website.
  • Newspaper 
  • Magazine (including comics) 
  • Advertising - Campaigns
  • Computer Games 
For each industry, three main texts should provide the focus for candidates' study.
At least two of the chosen texts must be contemporary and one must be British. 
Centres are advised to select contrasting texts so that candidates acquire as wide an understanding of the media industry as possible.

(Look at examples from the current A2 programme).

For each text selected, candidates should consider the following as appropriate:

  • genre 
  • narrative 
  • representation 
  • production 
  • distribution (and exhibition where relevant) 
  • marketing and promotion 
  • regulation issues 
  • global implications 
  • relevant historical background 
  • audience/user targeting 
  • audience/user positioning 
  • audience responses and user interaction 
  • debates about the relationship between audiences/users and text. 
Task for reading week:

Choose 3 texts and create a Power Point Presentation (3-6 slides each text) which describes why the texts you have chosen are good texts to consider from a study perspective.
Look for rich texts which can be discussed from all angles.
Do not just choose a game that you like to play.
Remember if you choose music, the artist or band is the text, not one song or video.

You will be presenting these on returning from reading week.